Sunday, April 27, 2008

Street fight incidents – are they for real?

Have you ever thought about the fact that many students of karate, for example, can actually lead a fight to the end of the year (with their success, I mean)? I actually tried it with a friend of mine, an excellent fighter karate. During training, with the typical moves, it is high, it can not better than him. So I wanted him to deal with me that in a real situation of struggle.

I have acted accordingly. I pushed again, rather bluntly, if you ask me and punched him and then I. I just punched in places where I saw an opening. First, the push has completely surprised - almost swept him off his feet - and I mean literally. It was the typical street fight and he could not manage it. I was amazed at how I could often taken by surprise him.

Do I want to make a comment in this regard? Well, I was confident, otherwise I would not tell this story. The idea is that real street fighting May be more aggressive than what one might expect that you or could be formed in a module of karate, for example. Indeed, real street fighting is difficult. The place where you are currently training. Is it a spacious? Well, let this idea spacious your mind, because in the real fight against the street you could find in a dead end, cornered by several opponents.

In such a situation, your training in this important room will be useless. Nothing has prepared you for this tortuous street combat situation. You must open our eyes. Most approaches Street Fight you know are not true street fight as long as you have not exited the training room. Do you think it is enough to learn to leave the wood to defeat board these attackers streets?

I ask forgiveness, but the reality is totally different - and disappointing, I might add, for those who train for him in a poor, non-valid. Rue attackers laugh in your face once they have you cornered in a cul-de-sac. All your wood-break training will serve nothing, especially if one of them on a stick or a knife blade to threaten you.

Is it his unreal for you? Well, it's time you did a reality and see how things really are. Street fighting is violent. Street fighting is incredibly fast - in a few seconds, you can lay wounded, exhausted, or God forbid death at the feet of your attackers. Real fight against street is a fact. My words a May be difficult to push at the moment, but I use them to open their eyes.

It is time you discover what it means to truly be a real objective to fight against the streets. It is time you discover what it means to achieve a real attacker. The fight against street is not a plank of wood motionless, waiting for your hands to break it. Oh no, you'll see this astonishing "council" move toward you and take an unexpected position. The attacker is not frozen. Be prepared for your approach to combat street with these thoughts in mind - you'll be able to cope with such situations better, if they occur.

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